const name = "Andy Berry"const intro = "A Software Engineering Leader & Developer"render(
<h1>I am {authorName}</h1>
I am Andy Berry
A Software Engineering Leader & Developer
About Andy
I am a Software Engineering leader and developer with over 15 years of experience in the industry, based in Edinburgh, Scotland.
I've worked within a variety of companies and team sizes varying from small startups to scale-ups. My tech stack of choice is React/TypeScript/Postgres but I'll turn my hand to almost anything, I've also done a fair bit with AWS, Docker and Terraform.
I tweet very little, and blog even less, but am hoping to turn that around and write about some interesting stuff here. I'm interested in new and evolving web technologies, along with automating & streamlining developer workflows using Continous Integration and Continuous Delivery so you might see some posts about these kinds of topics.
Outside of work I'm a sailor, baker, rock climber and gamer. I also home brew beer along with the stereotypical making websites and tinkering with technology.
Recent Posts
Last commit: 11 months ago
A tech test I completed, made public to showcase my skills as an experienced Software Engineer
Last commit: about 1 year ago
A Gatsby plugin to transform MDX files so they can be rendered without requiring a page to be created. An example use case is using MDX files as a basic CMS.
Last commit: about 1 year ago
Last commit: over 5 years ago
Last commit: over 9 years ago
A simple Gradle build to deploy binaries to a git repo so gh-pages can be used as a maven repo
Last commit: almost 10 years ago
An attempt to create a light scale using JS and HTML5 canvas
TimelessTime is a management consultancy based in the UK specialising in Business Management and Human Resource Management within SMEs.
I actively develop the TimelessTime website, additional online resources and tooling, and manage the IT resources within TimelessTime. The website is written using GatsbyJS & React using Contentful as a headless CMS. Everything is deployed and hosted using Netlify.

Ladybird Challenge
The Ladybird Challenge aims to involve the public in scientific research. The project challenges members of the public to record sightings and 'collect' 7-spot ladybirds.
The website is a custom website created to allow the public to easily record sightings of Ladybirds and participate in the project. It was written using PHP & Laravel, with a MySQL database hosted using AWS services.
Unfortunately The Ladybird Challenge has recently been shutdown